2023, March 28
The CBRNe Summit gathered over 200 specialists and had 29 selected speakers, who, for 2 days, debated ideas and presented capabilities.
PROTILIS participated at this time, with a presentation about its comprehensive range of personnel decontamination, which demonstrated not only its technical abilities, but also the flexibility and responsiveness to customer needs.
On the third day, a practical presentation of capabilities took place, with the participation of the Regimento de Sapadores Bombeiros, Exército Português and Polícia de Segurança Pública, as well as 13 exhibiting companies.
Once again, PROTILIS actively participated, demonstrating DECONCUBE, a decontamination container designed to perform pre-hospital decontamination of ambulatory or non-ambulatory.
The event was a success and allowed for new contacts to be established that grew, even further, the already vast network of PROTILIS’ CBRNe connections.